Last Edition's Most Popular Article:
In The Popular Press
Heartbeat used to generate out-of-body experience, NewScientist
Why Music Makes Our Brain Sing, New York Times Sunday Review
How the brain controls a 'mind machine', BBC News
How do neuroscientists integrate their knowledge of the brain with their religious and spiritual beliefs?, The Neuroethics Blog
The Neurobiology behind a Sense of Place, Brain Blogger
What gives the human mind its edge?, New Scientist
Fish on Prozac Prove Anxious, Antisocial, Aggressive, Scientific American
Brain scan predicts best therapy for depression, Nature News
Dad's Life Stress Exposure Leaves Mark On Sperm, Can Affect Offspring Brain Development, Science Daily
Your Hidden Censor: What Your Mind Will Not Let You See, Scientific American
A Sense of Adventure May Distinguish Identical Twins From Each Other, Time Health & Family
When Cleaning fMRI Data is a Nuisance, Neuroskeptic
Infants Are Born to Talk, Scientific American
China's Alzheimer's time bomb revealed, New Scientist
Brain's 'Dark Side' as Key to Cocaine Addiction, Science Daily
Video Gamers Really Do See More: Gamers Capture More Information Faster for Visual Decision-Making, Science Daily
Extreme therapy: Inside a hospital for dangerous minds, New Scientist
When giving reasons leads to worse decisions, Mind Hacks
What happened to U.S. mental health care after deinstitutionalization?, Washington Post
Why Wanting Expensive Things Makes Us So Much Happier Than Buying Them, The Atlantic
From the Academic Literature:
Optogenetic Stimulation of Lateral Orbitofronto-Striatal Pathway Suppresses Compulsive Behaviors, Science
Scientific faith: Belief in science increases in the face of stress and existential anxiety, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
Pallidal Deep Brain Stimulation Modulates Afferent Fibers, Efferent Fibers, and Glia, The Journal of Neuroscience
Mirror or Megaphone?: How relationships between narcissism and social networking site use differ on Facebook and Twitter, Computers in Human Behavior
Soccer Heading Is Associated with White Matter Microstructural and Cognitive Abnormalities, Radiology
Double deletion of melanocortin 4 receptors and SAPAP3 corrects compulsive behavior and obesity in mice, PNAS
A Behavioral Demonstration of Overconfidence in Judgment, Psychological Science
Chronic Antidepressant Treatment Impairs the Acquisition of Fear Extinction, Biological Psychiatry
Dynamics of Hippocampal Neurogenesis in Adult Humans, Cell
Sociodemographic, psychiatric and somatic risk factors for suicide: a Swedish national cohort study, Psychological Medicine